When: October 27, 2005 Thursday
Where: The
Roman Garden
, Theresa Heights Subd.
18th Birthday of
, Janice my sister
All the
Lilo & Stich invitations were sent out...the food, the cake, (the bubble-makerÜ) and the place were all ready for the surprise... and so, the night has come for the big event!
Me, my ate and mom (together with the
Joligs), had spent a great deal of time and effort just to keep this surprise party a big secret. It was really hard! Because day by day, some of the surprise details are being unveiled by my sister from us!
take note sa amin ng mga friends nyang nagplan pa nya unti-unting nabubuking! ay sus!Ü But it was all worth it and our efforts paid off because my sister was still surprised and she had a blast!, of which I'm glad.
Everybody was wearing hawaiian outfits with matching
we handed out when they arrived at the party. When my sister came, her path was lighted with torches while hawaiian music was playing at the background. My sister was so surprised that she broke into tears especially when she saw the place and the guests.The dinner was served, the program started and the surprises kept on coming...Ü
And though it was a rainy evening we were able to pull-up the surprise
party for my youngest sister, my beloved Nanay.Ü